GIFT IFSC offers numerous tax incentives for registered entities, providing significant savings and encouraging business growth in India's premier financial hub. Here’s a detailed look at the tax benefits:
Tax Benefits of GIFT IFSC Registered Entities
The GIFT International Financial Services Centre (IFSC) offers a plethora of tax incentives designed to attract international and domestic businesses. Here’s a comprehensive look at the tax benefits available for entities registered in GIFT IFSC:
Income Tax Benefits
1. For Non-Residents (NR), Overseas Citizens of India (OCI), and Foreign Entity Branches:
100% Tax Exemption: Business profits are fully exempt for 10 years out of the first 15 years of operation.
Minimum Alternate Tax (MAT): Reduced MAT rate of 9% for IFSC units.
No PAN and ITR Requirement: For income derived from Category I and II Alternative Investment Funds (AIFs), having a PAN and filing income tax returns are not mandatory.
No Additional Tax on Distributed Income: Mutual funds distributing income under Section 115R are not subject to additional tax.
Withholding Tax on IFSC Listed Bonds: A reduced withholding tax rate of 9% applies.
2. Capital Gains:
Short-term Capital Gains (Section 111A): Taxed at 15% if securities are listed on IFSC exchanges, regardless of Securities Transaction Tax (STT) payment.
Long-term Capital Gains (Section 112A): Taxed at 10% if securities are listed on IFSC exchanges, irrespective of STT payment.
Dividend Income: Dividends received by non-residents are taxed at a concessional rate of 10% plus applicable surcharge.
Exempt Income: Income distributed to non-residents will be exempt up to the amount taxed in the hands of the International Banking Unit (IBU) as a Foreign Portfolio Investor (FPI).
Portfolio Management Income: Income earned from portfolios managed by a manager in IFSC is exempt. The account needs to be maintained in an Offshore Banking Unit (OBU) in IFSC.
Indirect Tax Benefits
1. Custom Duty / Central Excise Duty:
- DTA to SEZ: No tax is applicable.
- SEZ to DTA: Liable to tax.
- Duty Drawback: Considered as deemed export and thus allowed.
2. Goods and Services Tax (GST):
- No GST: Exemptions on goods, services, and transactions conducted on IFSC exchanges.
- SEZ to DTA Supply: Treated as imports and subject to GST.
3. Central Sales Tax (CST):
- Exemption: Requirements of Form I are waived.
4. Securities Transaction Tax (STT) / Commodity Transaction Tax (CTT) / Stamp Duty:
- Exemptions: Transactions on IFSC exchanges are exempt from these taxes.
- No State Stamp Duty: Exempt for 10 years in aircraft leasing, financing, and insurance businesses.
Sector-Specific Benefits
1. Aircraft Leasing:
Exemption on Sale of Equity Shares: Income from the sale of equity shares of an IFSC unit engaged in aircraft leasing is exempt if sold to a non-resident or another IFSC unit engaged in aircraft leasing.
Conditions: Operations must commence before April 1, 2026, and capital gains should arise within 10 years of commencement or by the Assessment Year 2035-36.
2. Ship Leasing:
- Tonnage Tax Regime: Entities can opt for this regime within three months from the end of their tax holiday period.
The above tax benefits make GIFT IFSC a highly attractive destination for businesses seeking to optimize their tax liabilities while enjoying the advantages of a robust and innovative financial ecosystem. For more detailed information or personalized advice, consulting with tax professionals or the IFSCA directly is recommended.
#TaxBenefits #GIFTIFSC #IncomeTax #CapitalGain #IndirectTax #CustomsDuty #CentralExcise #MAT #PAN #ITR #MutualFunds #WithholdingTax #IFSCBonds #ShortTermCapitalGain #LongTermCapitalGain #DividendTax #PortfolioManagement #OBU #GSTExemption #SEZ #DTA #DutyDrawback #AircraftLeasing #EquityShares #ShipLeasing #TonnageTax #TaxHoliday #FinancialBenefits #InvestmentIncentives #GlobalFinance #FinancialServices #IFSCRegulations #TaxExemption #FinancialFreedom #TaxSavings #InvestmentOpportunity #WealthManagement #CorporateTax #AssetManagement #TaxPlanning #Taxation #IncomeExemption #TaxRelief #EconomicGrowth #BusinessIncentives #FiscalBenefits #FinancialPlanning #TaxEfficiency #InvestmentClimate #FinancialSecurity
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